Sunday, April 19, 2015

Today I was An Anglican

Since our little Vineyard Church only meets every second Sunday, I have the opportunity to join in with other gatherings in the city if I get my act together early enough on my "off Sundays".  I must confess that I often succumb to the easier route of attending "Church on the King Sized Bed" but today I managed to get to a 10:00 service at a little Anglican Church where quite a few friends of mine attend.

It was just perfect.  

I love the liturgy and the singing and the simplicity of following a program that just reaffirms all that I believe in a very meaningful and predictable manner.
There was so much truth and glory in the tiny sanctuary.
Such a sweet collection of vessels containing that very glory of God and sharing it with each other.  And together we shared the Eucharist.  The miracle of Christ in us, the hope of glory...

And it just so happened that I was there on this priest's very last Sunday so I managed to get in on a very delicious potluck celebration lunch while visiting with some beautiful people that I just don't get to see often enough.


This evening I hosted the family up here for supper.  We have Uncle Henry and my cousin Andrew here in town and it was such a privilege to sit together with them and to hear about their journey through the valley of losing their son/brother Daniel only two months ago.  They are such beautiful people and our time together was very precious.  Felt like God showed up for supper.  Andrew shared a very humorous story about a job he never got hired for but worked at for several weeks and got paid for.  He is an absolutely wonderful human being and so very interesting!
And dear Uncle Henry was full of stories as well.
He is such an overcomer.  A valiant man.

It's just wildly wonderful to me that we can be out on the patio for meals again and that Springtime is putting on such a magnificent display.  Look at that sunshine reflecting off the yellow walls.  And these three sporting their assortment of hats.  

So glad these two have each other to lean on.  Apparently they get together once a week to have a cooking party and they'll prepare enough food for a week's worth of dinners.  Smart guys. 

Even a campfire and a guitar made their appearance. 

Super awesome to be able to sit outside and enjoy the big sky and fresh air.  
The birds loved joining their songs with ours.  

Mom was a trooper adding layers of blankets and even a silly hat to try to stay warm.  

And a good time was had by all. 

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