Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Trumps All

I hardly know what to say about this day and everything it signifies.

Very appropriately it's sunny, bright and beautiful.
There are explosions of blossoms everywhere on trees - just like fireworks going off all over the city.
This day is worth celebrating with fireworks!

God knew that all along what was going to happen.  Because the Bible says that "Christ was slain from the foundation of the earth".   That right there is pretty mind blowing, but that's why I think He planned this resurrection day to be in the Spring.  So that all of creation could celebrate the amazing thing that happened over 2000 years ago. God's power resurrected Jesus from the dead.

And this is what Jesus said about that in Revelation 1:18...

"DO NOT BE AFRAID;  I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and BEHOLD
I am alive forevermore,
And I have the keys of death and of Hades"

Oh man that's just the best.
So even though we have to struggle along down here, being accosted by lies and suffering the various and sundry difficulties that come along with having weak little bodies and constantly putting to death our flesh that feels so ridiculously alive so that Christ's amazing life can pour through us..

Even though that is so hard and it feels long, even though it's only very temporary...
Jesus reminds us not to be afraid.

So Easter is just the absolute BEST.
It's a celebration of good news that is often forgotten or ignored because once you've heard it you have to decide what you're going to do with it.

And for me it's a no brainer because I trade in my stupid selfishness for His completeness and glory and life and goodness and hope and joy....
As I was's a no brainer.

So I've been busy preparing little Easter surprises and treats to celebrate this momentous occasion in my own little tiny way.

I even stopped in at Daniel's to deliver His Easter treats and have a little visit with him.  Cause I miss my boy and love to hear what's going on in his life.

I'm getting ready to go celebrate with family and friends.
Friends that invite me to their big celebration so I don't have to make a huge dinner at a time when my hands are doing their weak and frail thing.
As I said though, it's just temporary so I'm not going to sweat it.

As much as I would love to open my home and invite in some lonely people for this occasion, this time I am invited somewhere else and I'm allowed to bring my tribe with me.

How awesome is that?  I've got the best friends.
And the best family. 

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