Friday, April 17, 2015

One of our Own

I attended a Book Launch this evening.
One of our very own members of our "book-ish" club has written a beautiful book called "Daughter of the Father" and has had it published.
For real!
Just look at this beauty...

So I have a copy which I purchased tonight and Bev will be signing it at our club this coming Thursday.

The evening was a smashing success and Bev, in her typical humble style, used the evening to showcase a whole lot of young amazing talent before she even came forward to speak about her own journey within the art of writing.

I felt privileged to be in the midst of this amazing group of people, who honour and celebrate others well.
The excitement was palpable and it was beautiful to see the hand of God, the wellspring of all life and creation, moving so creatively and diversely through His children.

Paintings were displayed and our very own Dylan was painting a beautiful work of art displaying a Father holding a young child upon his shoulders.  Once again, his work was highlighting and underscoring Bev's written work of art.


There was music.  A lovely young woman I taught Sunday School to many years ago has honed her talent of singing, playing violin AND songwriting, delighting us listeners with three pieces of music.  She shared that when she was just beginning to play as a very young girl her mother stressed the value of sharing God's gifts with others, so this is what she does.  Honouring God for the gift and honouring others in the sharing.

There was other art displayed, the spoken word was shared and readings from Bev's book from two different, both very talented young adults was presented.  A young woman who is making her way into the world of acting and film did a passionate performance, a monologue from a movie she obviously loves.

And of course there was food.
I just love parties and people and connecting.
I am an extrovert.

So I pulled up to the table and ate with gusto and had a great time with so many of God's masterpieces.
We are His crowning, precious works of art.

And we are honoured to carry within us His Spirit, the very source of creativity and beauty.

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