Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sometimes Sickness

I think I've not been taking as good care of myself as I should be.
Too many special drinks perhaps?  I just love my big mugs full of chai latte's and picking up coffee mocha's when I am out driving around.
This is my confession.
I like my special drinks far too much.

And perhaps as a result I have succumbed to some sort of sickness that's taken the wind out of my sails so I'm feeling weak, headachy, and generally yucky.

It started on Tuesday night with an awful migraine.  Really awful.  I got sick 3 times that night after drinking a large smoothie made from blueberries and a beet etc.  As you can imagine it looked pretty much like I was dying.

However, the problem is I am not very good at vomiting due to the paralysis and I aspirated once or twice as a result.
That's really not good.  In my situation it can lead to pneumonia...
So it kind of feels like that was the beginning of the trouble.
Then factor in some sick students and my nights which often have sporadic sleep patterns and the result is this ongoing sinus-something-sickness that is giving me even more migraines.

But in this time of limitation I am just incredibly grateful for my peaceful cozy home. (And MEDICATION!!!) I've been here alone pretty much all day as both girls have been out and they're at a birthday party this evening, but I feel such peace.  (when I'm not in pain)

And the puppies feel like kisses from Jesus.

I just know they are one of His double portion blessings to me.  It's been six years now, almost to the day, since we adopted them.
My Jesus sees my little sufferings and cares.

These pups make me smile so much and give me a great reason to regularly go outside where I get to experience this paradise that is home.  Sometimes early in the morning I let them out and I get to hear the birds in the forest having their morning glory party, sometimes late at night when the air is crisp and the stars are singing in the dark sky.  And this afternoon I got to go out and admire the apple trees and lilacs which are just bursting into blossom and the fragrance wafts over me.

I have been trying to fast FB and news as much as possible this week before my birthday, just to give my brain a breather and hopefully a re-set. I'm on the internet way too much.  But today I gave in and started reading down the feed and found out about the horrific earthquake in Nepal.  Over a thousand dead and people homeless and broken...

I wonder about my little tiny pain and these enormous birth pangs of misery that are covering the earth.  Christians being martyred, natural disasters, gluttony, starvation, perversion... and I am reminded that each one of us, the carriers of Jesus in this dark world make a mark and leave ripples wherever we are.

Through prayer I can release angels in Nepal.
Through giving I can assist those who are able to be there to distribute help in real time.
Through love and kindness I can touch lives around me.
So I just need to stay deeply rooted in the vine.
And not think thoughts too lofty, or take in such huge amounts of information that my head hurts and my heart cannot handle it.

He is the light of my world, my healer.
He is the light of The World and he said He is making all things new.

All creation groans and waits...

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