Monday, July 28, 2014

well that was fun!

There is a photographer in my world who is doing a project where she takes a unique picture of a person in a different kind of element every single day of the year.

I've loved looking at her work and most of the people she photographs are ones I know through school or church so it's felt like a very "personal" project to be following.

Well, it just got a whole lot more personal!

She asked me if I would be willing to pose for her wearing a "period costume" with a hat and feathers while drinking tea.  At first I got very nervous thinking it would be so "out there" and what if I looked weird and so on, but I finally threw caution to the wind and just decided to have fun with the process.  I've always loved those period films and we just went with the whole "Sense and Sensibility" theme!

So this morning we sat out on the patio with lots of lace and tea cups and I had my hair up with the feathery hat perched on top and we had our little photo shoot.
It was great fun and I'm glad I said yes.

Here's Becca's hand joining in the tea party and in the photo shoot.  And now we're kinda famous.  For a few days anyways.

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