Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Hands

I'm so glad I'm still able to get around as much as I do.
It's all rather miraculous,
That I'm alive and that I have so much freedom.

Because the temptation, especially in the summer, is to feel sad that I can't go for a bike ride, or out on a boat, or go for a swim, or simply lay out on the grass without pain looking up at the clouds...

I just have to concentrate on what I can do.
And then it's simply amazing and wonderful.
Like the ability to push my wheelchair around, to wash dishes and to do my laundry.
The ability to plant flowers and water them.
To pull weeds and to wheel myself around to admire the yard.
The ability to get myself in and out of my bed, and on and off the toilet, (I know, I'm just being real here) and in and out of the car.
The ability to cook meals and clean up.  (even if cooking isn't my favourite - I am immensely grateful that I can purchase and then prepare food for myself, and sometimes even others!)
The wondrous ability to take Mom and Tante Hilda out for drives to admire the scenery.

In other words, the ability to be independent and to be able to bless others, physically, in tangible ways.

So, it's been challenging in these past months to have my hands and my left wrist causing me increasing pain.
To have a "diagnosis" like osteo arthritis thrown into the mix.
My thumbs still work, but certain movements cause me to cry out.  Sharp and sudden pain that keeps me from holding books properly and sometimes interferes with my ability to wheel myself around or do simple tasks around the house.
And my chiro/massage lady said I should look into getting an electric wheelchair.
Feels like some kind of a "sentence".

So then I am tempted to fear - to look ahead and wonder "HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO DO LIFE?!"
And then I remember God's great and certain goodness to me.
All the time.
And I focus back in on the moment and the day.

Today, all is well.
That's all that I have to focus on.

And I can simply pray about the rest and trust my Jesus.
Lift my arms in worship and thanksgiving and let Him carry my burdens and give me His joy.

Because today?
I drove myself into town and had an x ray on my wrist.
I went shopping and then met Leanne for lunch at Red Robin.
I stopped in at the mall and bought a birthday gift and card for Anita.
I came home and lay down.
I went out for the birthday supper and then to Celia's for dessert on the lake.
I bagged loads of fresh blueberries and popped them in the freezer and finally popped myself into bed at midnight.

Wow.  I surprise even myself on days like this.
Thanks be to God who causes us to triumph and overcome and enjoy.

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