Thursday, July 24, 2014

July Musings

Some good news - no fracture in my left hand!
So it's probably a sprain or tendonitis and I can just keep resting it.  HA!
Impossible really, but I can practice not doing too many silly things with it.
Like moving heavy flower pots and so on.
And the Osteo?  Well, I found a new supplement at the health food store and I have high hopes.
I'll just not focus on the pain and learn to do less.
Kinda bugs me as I am already limited, but my mantra comes in handy at times like this...


These days are pretty lovely, even with some hard stuff going on in the background.
I am choosing to call it the "background" so that it doesn't have power over me.
Giving God the power and continuing to wait on Him and put my Hope in Him.

As one ages and goes through hard stuff, really hard stuff, there is the possibility of letting go of hoping in circumstances and all of the "temporary" stuff we find so thrilling.  And then the "hope in God" verses in the Bible start to make sense.

If I hope in HIM instead of in circumstances I won't be as easily disappointed.

So I've been doing German Lessons for free on the internet.  The program punishes me if I skip too many days and I have to go back and work my way up the levels again.  Which isn't a bad thing because my German is really quite atrocious.

I've been having visits with all kinds of friends - often just sitting in my car and sipping on something yummy and cool while parked in a scenic spot.

I spend far too much time on the internet, playing scrabble and reading and so forth.  It hurts my hands to hold books, so it's much easier to read on my laptop.
Plus my back doesn't feel great a lot of the time so I lay down a lot.  Creating the need for entertainment....thus the laptop is put to a great deal of use!

I do a little bit of Luke now and then when I'm driving around the city and later I
have to find my manual to remind myself of the actual words if they get too fuzzy.  I feel badly for not pursuing more opportunities to "present" but I do have a seminar to teach in August which will force me to get back into it.

We went to the beach a couple of times with Oma when Vic and Marcia were here which was good.  Not easy, but good.

And, it seems that a season of prayer is upon us where it feels more urgent to pray often and together.  So I'm doing that as well.  Not nearly enough, but it's happening.

Communion too - three times in one week which was really great.

Kind of funny - as I was typing this I was panicking, thinking I hadn't done anything this summer.  It was so hard to remember until I looked at the pictures.  Thank goodness I document so much of my little existence through pictures so that I can go back and see that I really did live a full and wonderful adventure.  With super amazing people.  In many incredibly beautiful places.  So, here's some more memories to look back on...

Patrice and Anna looking super cute. 

Tante HIlda - recuperating from her broken heal and being the Cottonwoods popular celebrity. 

Anita celebrated her birthday and we cheered her on with pasta and stuff.

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