Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sons & Daughters

I've been really blessed out here through the young men that have crossed my path.

As much as I hated the thought of these guys having to push me up and down the hill to my class it has turned out to be such a blessing for me to have that time to get to know them.  Anthony, Peter, Rafael, Paul, Danilo...

One of the young Brazilians that was commissioned to push me has turned out to be such a dear friend.  For some reason he has sought me out to share with me about some very precious things and to pray with me as well.  I was at his wedding last night at the ocean and it was so cool to see the fulfillment of that part of his journey.  Amazing how much has happened in the short time I have been here.

And this morning, as I was laying in bed journaling and crying out to God, I heard a knock on my door and this lovely young man Frits was wondering if he could come in and pray for my healing.  He's about 16 and it took a huge amount of courage for him to do that and I felt so blessed to be able to encourage his heart and to receive that prayer.

It's like the Lord has added sons to my life and I feel such great love for them.

So even when I am at a great distance from my own precious son and daughter in law the Lord puts these dear young men in my life to make me laugh and to bless me.

Also, another chorus of gratefulness is going up from my heart to God for the time Patrice and Anita and I were able to have with David Damian.  When we were here in 2008 he spoke a very encouraging and life-giving word over Patrice that helped her to validate the way she does life and the way God moves in her.  Well, once again, in almost the same spot the Lord spoke to David again about Patrice and about her calling to be a landing strip for "bloodline promises" and prophecies  that have been waiting to be fulfilled for generations in our family line.  As Daniel had to "stand and keep standing" as he waited to see the answer to his prayers even in the face of great spiritual opposition, so Patrice is called upon to stand and keep standing in these days to see the actual fulfillment of promises spoken to our ancestors and family line.

KInd of a heavy word, but also very encouraging.
All she needs to do is keep saying yes to Jesus and to refuse the lies of the enemy which come to torment and destroy.

So we will all continue to stand and pray with her to see this fulfillment and to see her walk in clarity and peace.

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