Saturday, January 11, 2014


Ok, so maybe I bit off a bit more than I can chew here.

I actually cried after class on the way up the hill yesterday as the Brazilian courageously pushed me along.

For whatever reason, my brain is having a really hard time retaining the lines that I am trying to commit to memory.  I don't know if it is the menno-pause thing or just the way my brain works...

Ah well, I will persevere and pray for grace to keep forging ahead each day.

Today I was struggling with headaches too, so it was a harder day.

Tomorrow will be better!

His grace IS sufficient for me.

I did have a sweet meeting with my "neighbour" in the room next to me.  His name is Jonas and he is a sweet young Hawaiian who is staffing a school here.  He's in a wheelchair as well and he is the one who advocated for me in regards to getting me into the Go Center, as he knew from personal experience that the other rooms would not work.

When I look at his struggle I am humbled by how much I have had access to and I realize that I need to be more grateful.

God is truly good, all the time!

My room is the first door to the right, overlooking the common area.  It's a wonderful building to be staying in, even if it is a little noisy! 

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