Friday, January 24, 2014


The roller coast ride continues for me here at ywam.  I swing from the depths of despair thinking I'll never be able to memorize all of the material, to sheer delight at having presented a whole section in front of a group.

Add to this my complicated and somewhat frightening bathroom routine, frequent migraines, a bladder infection and some isolation due to the chair and there are times when I am seriously wondering about this journey God has me on in life.

However, after some serious SOS calls to the Lord and prayer I rally again and find joy in the beauty that surrounds me, the fun life of community, the prepared meals and the amazing fact that Patrice and Anita are here to enjoy this time with me.

Anita's a great room mate...

Providing all sorts of entertainment. 

And making sure the practical things in my life get done.  Like getting my shower chair put together creating an afternoon of work for two doctors and a dentist.  

And there are these kind of lovely people that I get to hang out with and enjoy.

The worship morning in our class this week was so healing and it was good to focus on Jesus and to pray in tongues, trusting Him to work out EVERYTHING.  I received sweet prayer from a lovely Brazilian woman Ruth who saw a picture of Jesus inviting me to dance with Him.

Last night was the Ohana night when the whole campus meets together for worship and a message plus other stuff.  As I was sitting at the sidelines watching the huge sun sink into the clouds, Loren Cunningham appeared and asked me if he could interview me on the stage.  Well, okay then!

So I gave the little testimony about my accident and he spoke about the need to be careful about which side of the road people should walk on and the need for great caution due to the high number of drunk drivers and druggies that are on the road around here.

Then Loren asked everyone to extend their hands to me and he laid his hand on my head and prayed a blessing over me that I would be able to impact the nations and I can't remember what else.  Cause I was on the stage and under the lights and everything like that.  And there was a Korean interpreter involved which kind of threw me a bit.

So it's all good. Anita reminded me just now about how amazing that was to have so many people all blessing me and I am grateful to God for that privilege.  Plus she said she saw a picture of two big angels up on the stage with me which is also good.  I'm praying those angels will NOT leave my side…

I am drinking in everything good about being out here.  The sweet men who push me faithfully up that long hill in the intense afternoon heat.  Anita who brings meals to the room for me when I ask her to.  My dear daughter who helped me to shower and do laundry yesterday even after she worked a long day in the kitchen.  The sound of tropical birds outside, conversations and people noises around the Go Center, and the music floating into my room from my neighbour, Jonas' room.  I am blessed to have a real Hawaiian for a neighbour.

And these dear classmates who bring me great delight and joy...

So much good.  Give me eyes to keep seeing it and not to give in to any self pity I pray dear Jesus…

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