Wednesday, January 8, 2014

overwhelmed already!

So the class is in full swing - Word By Heart.
Amazing leadership, fantastic classmates,

Such beautiful people; the nationalities adding a richness and depth to the process of text analysis and discovery.

There is the rhythm of intercession and worship built into our schedule and we are each supposed to spend one hour a day of "personaltimewithgod"!!  I've got a blog where I can pour out my heart to the Lord and journal this experience and any revelations I receive on the way.

So many wonderful things and so many very hard things here in Kona for me.

As always, there is the adjustment for me to the physical barriers I have to deal with.  The bathroom is one of them and I still don't have a shower set up, but I have faith that it will happen.  My bed is very tall so it's a huge effort to jump up into it, but I imagine my muscles will be strengthened through my time here!  The toilet is a huge challenge I have to face several times a day.  My inability to get into town on my own.

 HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT for ME and His power will rest on my weakness.

It's also kind of sweet how the Lord is dealing with me in regards to my "independent streak".

There's absolutely NO WAY I can get back and forth to my class which is at the bottom of a very long hill.

THEREFORE I have been assigned a team of lovely young Brazilian guys who come to my door to accompany me up and down the hill.  Holding me back from sliding into the ocean on the way down and pushing with all of their might to get me back to my room after class.  Outrageous really, and quite sweet.  So I pray that I will somehow be a blessing to them as they perform this service of great kindness for me.  It's been hard to accept in that I hate to make people work for me and to make them experience discomfort because of my disability (I can hear the guys grunting and see the sweat on their faces at the top of the hill)   AHHHH, there is still so much territory in this heart of mine that needs complete renovation.

But faithful is He who called me.
"He will perfect that which concerns me" is a word that I got from God a few months before coming out here and I realize now that word probably has a lot more to do with heart renovation than it does with circumstances….

So I submit to all of this and the solutions that God will provide in His great kindness.

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