Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Needy Animals.

After surviving the wedding and everything it entailed,
And the trip to Vancouver with it's great and hard elements,
It felt great to have a rather unplanned lazy week to recuperate.
The weather started to turn great, finally, and a novel was purchased.
Nothing planned but lots of rest and with some errands thrown in.

The dogs didn't know about the recuperating plan and they both became needy.
Poor Moose has been needy so long it's just become everyday life for him unfortunately.
That ear infection has kept resurfacing for well over a year now despite all sorts of intervention and money thrown his way.
He walks around shaking his head and looking pathetic.
Sometimes when I take him out to play ball he just stands there in the grass,
Looking lost and confused with his head held at a strange angle.

I'm sure his ears in their endless infected state make it sound like he is caught up in a roaring
plane engine or spinning in a huge wave on the ocean.

At the end of June I got fresh energy to attack the problem and I thought I would cure him with a home remedy prescribed by a vet
But it made Moose cry and once again I was apologizing profusely to this big dear sweet doggy.
Sometimes I would get up in the night and would hear him crying in his bed.
Well, that was just too much for me. I just hate to see an animal suffer and especially one as kind and gentle as Moosey.

So I bit the bullet and made an appointment, this time with a naturopathic vet, for Moose.
Meanwhile dear Ladybug began to act very unladylike and was constantly licking her netherquarters and wanting to do the bum drag on my carpet which she is strictly forbidden to do.

So I hauled them both in to the clinic and the vet tended to Ladybug's infected hind quarters and Moose's infected frontal region.

I have great hope for the future but until then I am busy tending to these needy canines.
Squeezing colloidal silver down the Bug's throat twice a day and holding a compress to her hind end three times a day. She is not coming so eagerly when I call her anymore.
Moose is back to antibiotic ear drops for the next week with some purple "thunder" solution which will be administered in the following weeks.
Now I know why I graduated as an RN those many years ago!

These pups are going to get so flippin healthy!!

And last night I figured it was about time for me to have a good night's rest since the spasms are visiting more frequently again. So I drugged myself up and woke up in the middle of the night feeling like someone had just shot a gun behind my left eye. Usually I feel these migraine's coming on and can catch them before they turn into all out warfare, but due to my drugged state I missed the little twinge behind my eye that usually alerts me to the impending danger.


After I realized it wasn't a bad dream I quickly took my pill and began counting the minutes.
Usually it kicks in after half an hour or so, but by then I was in the dark bathroom trying to throw up and holding a wet cloth against my temple. After taking a second pill I dragged myself into bed and thankfully fell asleep till almost 9:00. So glad when those nights are over!

So... here's to the rest of the summer!
In between tending to the wildlife and my own needy body, I am LOVING LOVING LOVING SUMMER!!! Somehow my trees all got really big this year and have provided this beautiful canopy around the house, my flowers are blooming, the fountain gurgles happily in my vines and the sun has been shining, providing warmth and all manner of shadows and light and glow.

I live in paradise and I am very aware and thankful.

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