Friday, July 15, 2011


It's the day before the wedding.
My heart is swollen... so much emotion.
Tears fill my eyes but not enough to spill over.
Cause it's not that kind of sad.
It's a different kind.
Loving that little sweet boy that became a man in so few breaths.
Wishing for more time with him in that innocent time,
But grateful that he has chosen well.
He has become a gentle, strong, capable, kind, wonderful man.
Amazes me who God placed into my womb as a surprise those many years ago.
Undeserved gift and grace.
And the dear gal that he has chosen as his life's partner is already my friend.
And she loves Jesus.
That's all a gift of grace as well.

So this morning I started to fill containers,
Expecting Jesus to come and making a place for Him
So He can turn the water into wine for this wedding.
There are wine bottles full of water in the vines...

And one mason jar so far.
I felt His pleasure with that little act of faith.

It's sunny today, in the midst of these turbulent days of wind and rain and clouds and cold.
There are tall poles in a big circle in my backyard, strung with tule and lights.

May our hearts be ready.
To welcome Jesus in the midst of what He loves.
Celebration, Covenant, Unity.


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