Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More Bright

In the midst of...
I've been experiencing God with skin on!
I asked for that on Saturday morning and He's been showing up in a glorious parade of incredible people (with skin on).
After that musical weekend of love and so many friend connections there's been more.

There's been sunshine and a Monday of watercolor painting with fantastic friends - a mom and daughter team with me and my bean.
Smoothies were sipped while poppies and pansies were painted
Laughter and learning, such sweet reunion.
Carrot ginger soup created and supper on the patio.
The daughter whipping up perogies and sausages while gingerale juice was sipped through straws.

Woke to another sunshiney day - it's summertime - for real!
Phonecall from a far away favorite - someone's getting married!!
The littles have grown up and are venturing into new worlds.
Finding life partners and moving on and out.
Sigh. In a very good way.

An afternoon rendevous with another lovely
Getting healthy while catching up on so many stories.
God getting bigger and getting all the glory.
Where would we be without He?
This dear lovely surprising me again with unbelievable gifts of generosity.
That's my God loving me through His earthly Body.
Reminding me of His extravagant goodness.

And this is just the beginning of a glorious summer.
He told me to be expectant and I am.
Micah 7:7-8
Not just for me, but I'm taking it for the beautiful daughter too.
If she's too weak to hold onto hope, I'll hold on for her.
There's a great light coming for her too.

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