Thursday, September 27, 2018

Fleeting Fall Beauty

The richness of the setting sun was casting it's warmth on some little mushrooms I found hiding in the trunk of the apple tree.
The beauty of this season and the fullness of the colours is unsurpassed.

I'm glad it's still warm enough to be getting mom and Dad outside.  
In fact, it was so lovely that I got Dad suntanning!
I figured the Vitamin D couldn't hurt and it's good to breath in that beautiful fall air while napping.

The flowers in the hospice garden continue to delight me.
I'm so grateful that we've been able to make use of this beautiful space for the past number of weeks.

Life is so much slower in many ways when you are aged or looking after the aged.
There is time to stop and smell the flowers...

and to take a multitude of pictures.
Trying to capture the fleeting beauty of a garden.

I had time to go and sit at the lakeside - this is one of my frequent haunts.

The hospice is centrally located so it's easy for me to run errands and to get Mom back and forth from Tante Hilda's when necessary.

The staff have been complaining that mom is confused and wandering so I haven't been able to leave her with Dad unless I stay as well.

I've been watching the season change as I make my treks into town.

When my Virginia Creeper turns red it is a sure sign that we are moving into colder weather.

The two little cutie pies keeping each other company.
Here is mom holding a pretty card that Becci had sent her.
Loving thoughts from family near and far.

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