Friday, September 21, 2018

Life With Family & Friends

It's funny how I keep thinking that once life "settles down" that things will be more "normal".
But we are just in another season of "normal" -  that of caring for aging parents with a most beautiful and supportive family. 
Vic and Marcia have been frequent fliers in these parts over the past few years as things have gotten more intense with mom and dad.
So we will just "carpe diem" and make the most of whatever season we happen to be passing through.

Along with the additional "family" that God has surrounded me with... Jenn & Derek, Anita and Ollie...

Grateful for a table that has leaves so it can expand and how the Lord is teaching me to keep the door open and to share.
I'm not always so good at that but I'm praying for more grace.
Sometimes I get afraid that it's "too many" and I won't have "enough", but  that's not the expansive generous nature of my Father.

On a fine September evening Jenn & I took a ride down the front road together.

She had picked up some candy cigarettes from the corner store since I was going to be taking my Harley for a spin and it just seemed fitting.

Sometimes we just need to be a little bit silly!
The cigarettes were delicious, a blast from our past. 

Glad for this fun friendship that has grown over the past year of doing life together.

It is the season of deep blue fall skies and apples hanging thick and ripe on the trees.

The birds are doing well together and are an endless source of entertainment and friendly sounds.

Anita is faithfully taking Ladybug for long walks down the greenway so their relationship is also growing tighter.
When Anita shows up I begin to fade into the background, but that's fine with me.
We can share the love!

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