Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I hosted a wedding this summer on the property and the other day I received the loveliest thank-you bouquet!
Dahlia's are exquisite flowers and this bouquet was crammed full of them.
I had to take pictures from two different angles so as not to miss any of the beauty.

Flowers are like kisses from heaven...

Another visit in the hospice garden with mom and dad gave me the opportunity to photograph one of the pretty roses next to the table.

God's fingerprints...
Endless evidence of His creativity, love of color and attention to detail.


I decided to celebrate Rosh Hashanna this year by adding to my budgie collection. 
Even though Snowball has not been acting depressed since Blue-Bird's passing, I wondered if maybe it would be kind to give her a companion.  
After browsing through the pet ads and finding a Budgie that was selling for a mere $5 I was compelled to contact the owner and to pick the bird up.
When I got there the owner thrust the box containing the budgie into my car and said I didn't have to pay anything.  She was just happy to pass on the budgie that was causing a ruckus in their bird family where there were eggs waiting to hatch.
I happily drove off hearing the occasional rustling from within the box and was eager to introduce the new bird, whom I dubbed "Mazel Tov", to Snowball.

Things did not go quite as I had planned, however. 

When I reached into the box to retrieve the pretty coloured bird he immediately bit me twice before I had the chance to throw him into the open cage door. 
Somehow in the kafuffle the birds both managed to escape from the cage and began to fly wildly around the house.
"Matzy" was completely disoriented and was hitting the occasional wall and landing in odd places. We were unable to catch him and he was unable to find his way back to the cage so we finally had to go to bed and leave him in his new hiding place.

The next day we heard some noises behind the cupboards that were above the stove.  Apparently Matzy had knocked himself out on the wall above the stove and had fallen behind the cupboards. Anita heard him when he finally "came to" and she spent a considerable amount of time trying to extract him from the tiny opening he had fallen into.  

Upon retrieving him he immediately began to fly wildly about the house again and he finally ended up with Snowball in the main bathroom.
We shut the bathroom door to contain them and then pushed their cage into the room.  I figured they would spend some time bonding and eventually get hungry and find their way into the cage.

Which is exactly what happened.
By the time we brought them out of their time of seclusion, they were deeply in love and sitting together on the swing.

There has been all sorts of kissing and singing going on in the cage.
Such a nice love story. 

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