Sunday, August 5, 2018

Under the Apple Trees

Patrice's weekend home also involved the wedding of a dear friend of hers from A Rocha.  A family that is a big part of Patrice's life out there came to stay for the weekend so the house was full of joy and activity. It's always fun getting a peek into her "life away" and the beautiful people that are a part of that. 
Here is Patrice with her overseer and friend, Sarah.
Above is a picture of Sarah's sweet daughters.  They have been a big part of Patrice's life, and it's evident that she has become like family to them. 

The wedding was simple and beautiful.

No one has ever emerged from the back patio onto the wedding scene so this was a first.  

The wedding meal was served by the bride & groom and their family.
Greek potluck!

Another first was the reception under the apple trees.
It was a really nice touch - kind of a Song of Songs theme happening and the liturgy during the meal was very meaningful.

So many wonderful people, so much fun & laughter. 

I'm grateful to be able to play a small part in these weddings by providing a venue, and when the weather cooperates it is over the top beautiful! 

Dancing beneath God's glorious blue canopy under the stars with the best of friends.

What a wonderful way to start their life together.

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