Thursday, August 2, 2018

Creating Space

Look at this little cutie pie!
So quick to laugh and to enjoy life. 
Here she is posing with Elsie's glasses giving her a completely new look.

As Mom ages I feel it's important to keep creating spaces that give her a break from the Village - the "independent living" home that she and Dad share.
He is very determined not to leave his easy chair other than for meals and sleeping, but Mom's personality is more like mine - she needs people and activities to fill up her cup.
Tante Hilda loves to come along as well and this evening it was so fun to have Esther & John join us for an extended family meal.

John brought along his drone and he entertained us by flying it over the property and showing us pictures from above.

Modern technology is advancing so very quickly and there seems to be no limit to what we are able to do!
Boys and their amazing toys...


There we are down below, waving at the drone...

Pretty amazing to see the house from a different perspective and all of those little apple trees!

Such a blessing to have time with family.

To have people that we are connected to and to care for each other.

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