Saturday, August 18, 2018

Socked in with Sweetness

We are living in some sort of a twilight zone with this thick blanket of smoke covering the valley. The landscape appears so altered as the mountains disappear and a yellow haze limits visibility dramatically .  

Thankfully we get to enjoy the August warmth and the fruit is still ripening on the trees.
It doesn't feel like a typical Okanagan summer day though!

Sadly so many people are struggling with breathing issues and my eyes are sometimes feeling irritated.  Headaches and exhaustion also seem to be more common with the heavy air.

But that didn't prevent me from having a fabulous evening with my dear niece Cori and her family. 
Her kind husband has been working on a standing frame for my "firefly" wheelchair attachment.

We enjoyed some nachos together and then headed outside to try out my new contraption.

So many little helpers!

And so much love.
Cori & Trevor are doing something very right with their sweet girls!

They are so loving to each other and to pretty much anyone else that happens to enter their little world.

The smoke won't stop us from having fun even if it leaves our world looking dark and gloomy.

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