Thursday, April 5, 2018

Small Beginnings

Through some miscommunication or non-communication the greenhouse I had ordered last fall landed very far back on the property.
It took Derek many hours of hard work in the cold outdoors to get it set up. The foundational bolts were even cemented into the ground.
This made it extremely hard for me to speak up and ask for the greenhouse to be relocated to a spot that was more in alignment with what Ron and I both had envisioned for the property.
But I rallied my forces, took a deep breath and did the hard thing.
I'm having to do this more and more in life and I'm finding that it is a good thing to speak up and ask for what I need.
Not easy, but usually worthwhile and good.
Derek and Jenn very graciously responded to my request and the greenhouse is now repositioned nicely next to what will be the chicken run and a little closer to where we are and the shop is.

There is still lots of hard work going on back there with the garden being laid down and loaded with horse manure and all sorts of other goodies.

This place has become a hub of activity.
A farm is being born!

From these small beginnings in our back entry we are preparing for a rich and bountiful harvest.

Look at these tiny sweet sprouts reaching for the light! 
They have been given healthy good soil for a good start and have been sitting on heating pads to encourage their growth. 
There are many more pots and sprouts out in the shop, braving the cooler temperatures.

Inside I spend my afternoons resting (while all the hard work is happening outside) with Ladybug and the birdies keeping me company.
Look how brave they are!  They fly down onto the bed and tip-toe closer and closer to Ladybug looking for something yummy on the bedspread until she finally lunges forward causing them to flutter back up onto the mirror.
This entertaining little scenario is repeated over and over again.

Here is a cute picture of Mom and Tante Hilda.
Such loving devoted sisters...
I had taken mom for a drive and then I dropped her off at Tante Hilda's for the afternoon to break up her otherwise boring day.

And back at the Village Dad is back into routine looking after the folding of the blankets.
After their sickness they were just barely getting themselves dressed and into their recliners, but as time goes on their daily schedule is coming back.
Just a sweet little picture of how they keep their surroundings so orderly.
It's been a hard season, but there is life and we are praying for restoration and peace. 

The grass is greening up in the valley and soon the still naked trees will be garbed in green.
Ahhh Spring, you are most welcome and beloved.

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