Friday, April 6, 2018

An Actual Rock

These two got engaged so the gang got together to celebrate the momentous event.

We had fun listening to the story of their engagement - apparently there was an actual rock involved, some cryptic poetry a la Marc, disbelief that this was finally the "real-deal" and tears of joy.
What a gift to be invited to be part of this evening and to see the uniting of two families.  The clan grows even bigger... Somehow I got to be part of this because, well, the Gagenzeit connection is obviously strong! 
We are family on another whole level.

Sue put on a fabulous meal (as usual) and there was a delicious assortment of desserts.
Since all sorts of extra guests showed up unexpectedly, Joey & Jesse were swiftly sent to get some ice cream cakes to ensure there would be enough.
I was captivated by the bunny face on the end of the cake that was purchased, but unfortunately Joey was instructed to remove it.
Decorum or something.
But I thought it looked just fine and added that extra little something that is usually a part of anything Marc is involved in.

So happy that Joey is back in the Valley again.
These two handsome brothers (the youngest in the brood) were practically babies when I was grafted into their family tree and now they are full on, really great adults doing amazing things. 

As you can see here the next generation is happening - there are new tinies at the gatherings starting their own journey in this expansive family. 

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