Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April Rain & Shine

Ohhhh beloved April, 
Bursting with anticipation...
Sunshine, rain, wind, 
clouds flying across blue skies
and gorgeous, glorious green springing up everywhere.

Tumultuous weather 

and flooding...

The bottom of Spiers was under water and ducks were floating happily alongside the road.

Out back the chicken run is taking shape and the garden beds are getting ready for action.

The Greenhouse is a hub of activity,

and green seedlings are being transitioned into the planters under the excellent oversight of gardener Jennifer.

The backyard campers, Norm & Lorabeth, pulled up their stakes and headed back to Alberta.

It was a sweet season of reconnection, visits and prayer times.
They also spent lots of time on the yard getting things cleaned up and ready for Spring.

There was a home group meeting with delicious smelling food and some worship and prayer.
The church was having a time of pressing in to prayer and fasting and it's always good to have smaller times of connection and sharing.

The picture below isn't very clear but  David's final slide in his power point presentation at church said...

The end game is always "peepshj".
Go figure.
We had a good laugh about that one.
It was supposed to say "people".

When I dropped mom off at Tante Hilda's place one afternoon there were some deer nibbling happily on the bushes and other delicacies that were so readily available.

I called Tante Hilda down to have a look at the beauties, but she went into warrior mode and ran after them, chasing them off the yard in a big hurry. 


See the deer run.

And here are the two sisters after a happy afternoon together.
Family is so precious and somehow, we are still enjoying each other after all these years.

What a gift.

There was another supper with Leanne & friends that I managed to weasel my way into since Sheryl is still MIA.
They are lovely ladies who are all fighting hard battles but becoming more beautiful, more Christlike, in the process.
Ahhh, life. 

"Book Club" provided many good laughs and another fabulous prayer time.

Alan, a beloved member of our little Vineyard has been in hospice for some time so Asher and I stopped in for a quick hello and prayer.
It turned into a time of Alan praying and prophesying over me, so somehow the "short" prayer time was lengthened at his discretion.
It was precious and beautiful

Our weekly Wednesday prayer nights continue to be wild, wooly and wonderful...
We joined hands and formed a unified chain in response to a vision one of our ladies had.
We are changing history in these times of worship and prayer!!
So much faith, courage and love in this group of friends.

And that's it folks.  One last picture that pretty much sums up April! 
You can't really see the deer eating under the magnolia tree, but here is my good friend Marie pointing out the beauty of the season with her perpetual good cheer.

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