Friday, September 22, 2017


September's been chugging along at a rapid clip!
People to see, places to go and things to do, do, do...

Elsie went on a well deserved vacation to Vancouver for awhile so I tried to fill in the gaps with Mom and Dad.
There are lots of little things that still need sorting out in their new place and Mom was eager to get a few things from the thrift store.
Here she is sporting her new warm blue sweater with a matching blue winter purse.
We had lots of fun getting things done asap since mom isn't too comfortable standing for long. 

Anita joined me on one of my visits and she cheered Dad right up with a spontaneous cuddle and hug.  

Puts a whole new twist on a house call from a Doctor. 
It was good to see him smile for a change as things have been challenging for him, to say the least. 

Moose has moved in with Anita for the remainder of her stay.  I get a kick of him peeking out of her room and gazing down the hallway at me. 
Anita has been faithfully taking the dogs for walks to make sure they stay "regular"!

One evening Anita and I were invited to Rob & Dianne's for a lovely home cooked organic meal made mostly from their beautiful garden.

They are artistic, creative, beautiful, loving people and I continue to marvel at the miracle of Dianne being alive following the ruptured brain aneurysm and cardiac arrest in May.
It was such a gift to spend the evening with them.
Glad we are part of the same small fellowship, developing relationship and loving God together.

In my forays through boxes of Mom and Dad's I've found some interesting stuff. Here is a cute note Daniel wrote some time ago...
Thank goodness he improved enough to get into his Master's program this fall.

I was also surprised to find the wedding invitation to my parent's wedding way back on that hot September 3, 1950.
Obviously only German people were invited. 

It's been a journey back in time as I work my way through the cards and pictures and I don't think I'll be done anytime soon.
Mom enjoys it when I read through some of the cards and letters with her, as she had hoped to do that one day but now her sight prevents her from doing that.

Finally the evening arrived that Nicole has been working towards for the past year and a half or so.  She was part of a group tasked with figuring out some needed solutions to the desperate problem of youth in our community who are addicted to substance abuse. 

It was a sobering, educational, informative event and I think the most important part was the fact that different professionals and organizations that are all working on the same problem came together to brainstorm and to create a more cohesive network.

Our dear friend Liz was covering the event and her write up can be found on Kelowna Now.

I was so proud of Nicole and for how she has persevered for these ones that she loves so much. 
It is a calling on her life and she has such a gift with these ones who struggle.

It's also been an incredible sunny and beautiful month with an abundant crop of apples almost ready for harvest.

The air smells sweet as I drive up Spiers with apple orchards on either side looking and smelling heavenly.

Such an incredible season.

Sara had her birthday celebration and Anita and I snuck in to enjoy some yummy snacks and fun games.

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