Sunday, September 3, 2017


Look at these two...
Still in love and married - for a total of 67 years now! 
The amazing thing was that Dad even came up for the little party held in their honour.  He hasn't been feeling great and the move really took the wind out of his sails, but slowly he's rallying and I was so very happy that he showed up for their anniversary party.  

The evening was absolutely perfect - just the right temperature and we had a lovely evening of visiting and merrymaking in honour of mom and dad.  

There were even two lovely deer that showed up for the event (mere dots on this photo) and graced us with their elegance and beauty.  

Dad had some fun sharing stories about the wedding cake he bought (at a very high cost of $12 when wages were merely 75 cents an hour).  The cake ended up falling over in the truck and he and his friend fixed it with their carpenter's glue - later feeding it to the eager unsuspecting guests. 

Anita and Ollie joined in the party as did Patrice's lovely friends Emma and Phil from the Uk.  Ron's mom also came to celebrate and memories were made.
These are precious days - having Mom and Dad around and being able to take our partying outside in this endlessly long, warm summer. 

Despite the smoke and struggles with aging, etc. there is beauty all around.
Because there is "love at home".
Mom's favourite hymn certainly has played itself out in our lives in different ways due to her ability to pour out love and kindness to us all and due to Dad's faithfulness to his wife and family.

A few of us sat around the table outside into the dark hours visiting and enjoying each other's company, the peace and distant city lights.  

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