Friday, September 15, 2017

Fabulous Friday Fun

Since I've got his new wheelchair / motorcycle attachment I've had some opportunities to go on some fun rides! 
Nicole was excited to head out to the greenway with me when she found out I was motorized.  
We're both looking pretty groovy here if I don't say so myself.
These crazy glasses of mine - so hilarious with the sparkles and bling but I'm old enough to rock whatever I want to.

It was so awesome to be able to go all the way to Springfield park without my hands getting sore or my wearing out my shoulders.
I just zoom along with the wind in my hair feeling pretty much awesome!!

We got to see the Kokanee doing their fall fishy thing in Mission Creek which was AMAZING!! 

Just being near the water and hearing it splash and gurgle over the rocks was so life-giving. 
I'm just so grateful to have this new toy to get me out in nature a bit more.

We ran into some friends who were also watching the fish and enjoying the beautiful day.

Little Boaz loved sitting on my lap and wasn't afraid of speeding along with me.

We missed out on sighting one of the bears that was apparently enjoying the fish and the outdoors as well.

I had to hurry home to pick up Moose from his Salon treatment and he tried sitting like a human in the front seat since I had too much gear in the back. 

THEN I picked up Oma and Tante Hilda to get them to the lake to soak in some of summer's last warm rays. 
We picked up some coffee's and found our little park.

Anita and Ollie were already there and Lisa also joined us.

Just loving these sunny smokeless September days. 

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