Thursday, August 18, 2016

Something Amazing in August

Something extraordinary and super amazing happened this month.
My very dear British friends arrived for a visit and I got to do all sorts of fun stuff with them. 
But best of all we just got to HANG OUT!
I didn't get myself in the picture, but amazingly enough I was right here ON THE BEACH with these people because Mark so kindly dragged me and the pizza a very long way to make this happen.
Amazing what people will do when they are hungry =)

So many years of catching up to do with this crowd.
Lorna was last here about 18 years ago and Sue was here a very long time ago as well so it was high time for a visit on Canadian soil.

My house was completely empty so there was lots of room for everyone to find a spot to bed down and of course, everyone fell in love with Mr. Moose.

Lovely Teya was reading P & P so we had to have a marathon viewing of the British version of the film which just seemed so very right.
All these accents around the house made me feel like I was living my own version of some British comedy!

There were lots and lots of dinners on the patio.

Some with guests, but mostly just our little crowd.

The weather was absolutely perfect so the Brits got to have the real HOT Okanagan summer experience.

We even had a campfire with singing, guitars and a violin plus a bit of rap music thrown in.  
Boom Chicka Boom Boom...

And Knox mountain was climbed in some extreme heat leaving everyone rather exhausted.

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