Friday, August 12, 2016

Always Family

Summer drives with mom have often brought us to this exact spot.
After parking we open our windows wide to let the breezes and gentle sounds of summer into the car so we almost feel like we're on the beach.
Mom LOVES it here and thankfully there is a drive-thru on the way where we pick up a little coffee and hamburger for the picnic experience.

Sometimes our drives take us further up the lake where we can park overlooking the valley and the city.

This particular evening was spectacular.  You can see Elsie walking into the sunset with little Pupcake.

After six "quieter weeks" of summer, everyone decided to come and visit at the same time in August so thing suddenly got way more exciting.
I just knew that I had to prioritize some time so that my precious family didn't get lost in the kafuffle.
Marcia and I shared a beautiful quiet lunch at our favourite cafe where we got caught up on each other's lives. We all continue to be so very grateful that God brought her not only into Vic's life but into all of our lives.  She is such a treasure and has made all of us feel loved and special.  She is incredibly kind to Mom and Dad which really touches my heart.

One day Mom and I took the dogs for a little outing. Somehow I managed to get out of the car and got Mom situated at the water's edge in a wobbly lawn chair. There were a few nervous moments as Mom is not very steady anymore and I had my own problems navigating through the gravel and getting the dogs and the lawn chair in and our of the car. 
But we made it and Mom loved sitting outside watching the dogs running in and out of the water while the waves danced along the shoreline before us.
It's the little things...

Moose was over the moon with joy.
Until his ball sank and we had to go home...

We also had a fun little bbq with the family and were thrilled to have Dad join us.  He only makes it to a few select gatherings so it's always extra special when he's in our midst.
And dear little Tante Hilda was finally well enough to join us after having to stay home while healing her leg after a serious burn.
Such overcomers we are!! 

There was lots of laughter as we watched some comical clips on the laptop together.

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