Sunday, June 28, 2015

Birthday Blessings

A blessed event occurred this weekend!  My sweet sister celebrated her birthday and it provided such a lovely opportunity for a party.
On a record breaking hot June day Elsie, Patrice and I sped off to Westbank to immerse ourselves in a cool air-conditioned theatre where we watched Cinderella and munched on a big bag of buttery popcorn. 
Two sisters sitting side by side, as we have done so very often in life, enjoying food and fun together. What blessing. To have this built in partner in my life who always loved me so very well, looked after me with intensity and devotion and was just there to share life with.

Holidays, mealtimes, bedtimes, TV times, driving to church in the back seat, playing with Nippy, celebrating birthdays, flying to other countries, visiting Oma and Tante Hilda on Brentwood Blvd, going camping at Gull Lake, going to a movie in downtown Kelowna so many years ago.
Our beds in one shared room, kneeling down to pray at night,  "Lieber Vater, mach mich from, das ich in dem himel komm..."
We're still trusting Him to do that for us!  
Our lives are intertwined in a wonderful way and we share so much more than just family.  
Our faith is our lifelong journey that will keep us together for eternity.
The Cinderella story is being played out in our lives right now and we are waiting for our Glorious Prince of Peace and for the wedding supper of the Lamb.

But meanwhile, as we wait we have little banquets in apartments around wooden tables with precious family gathered around. 

Watermelon and cherries, chicken and onion rings, potato salad and punch.
And laughter and God. 

And of course Mom's famous Napoleon Torte.
Everyone's favourite!

A phone call with our dear brother provided more opportunity for laughter and delight, as he had to miss out on his cake while Daniel pretended to finish the last of it. 

And Opa with his only grandson, telling a story of how his mother wore cherries on her dress for a decoration when he was a little boy. 

So glad we are still all here to enjoy each other and celebrate Elsie's one wild and precious life. 

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