Sunday, January 18, 2015

Winter Grace

I just really know I'm to be here for this season, in the midst of the snow and cold with my wheelchair pushing through slush and over ice and through puddles.
There is so much grace for it though and i'm just drinking in the winter beauty.

Last night Elsie, Mom and I gathered for another prayer and praise meeting at the apartment and it was precious.  We made many scriptural declarations and filled the atmosphere with faith and God's sweet presence.
We had soup and toast while cupcake lay in his bed on the table watching us.
We are just a unique delightful little bunch - unconventional but joyful.
Overcoming and believing and trusting and praying.
It's that bootcamp thing, not easy but incredibly good.

As I went out to my car in the winter dark there were lovely large wet flakes falling, lit up by the street lights and it just felt magical.  I'm so glad to be here for this season and that is a testament to GOD and how he equips us for the jobs He has for us to do.  Elsie came out too and said it reminded her of our time together in England many years ago one December.

I awoke to a fresh snowfall, covering every branch and coating the ground with beautiful white.  It makes the green trees stand out with their dark branches and I was even up early enough to see a little sunrise peeking over the mountains.
Pink skies and purple clouds.

We, as a family, have entered a new season.  It is just very obvious that there is an urgency to align ourselves with God and to take the land by force.
Reclaim our inheritance so that God's Kingdom can advance here.
In the city, in the downtown core where the darkness seeks to take ground.

My sister had a powerful time of worship with my little auntie who lives just across the street.  Tante Hilda babysits Pupcake and this is another connection that is very life-giving.  Here is a little excerpt of a note Elsie wrote to me after their evening together...

I know we know about praise... but it's so encouraging to hear it again.  It's warfare when nothing else works.... Lets continue to praise Him... especially in the face of what is impossible for us.  Angels are released! 
Tante Hilda and I had a praise party at her place after I came to get Pupcake from her last night... and we really praised and in between we prayed for Patrice and Dad and others and then praised some more.  We were loud and joyful and she had a show on for Pupcake the whole time... and after we had prayed all of a sudden there came on the tv people singing  beautiful hymns.   We were even more filled with joy....  It was so sweet and joyful!    It was an open heaven.  There must have been lots of angels in her place!   Lets continue to praise God!  Amen.  Love you so much Karen.

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