Friday, January 9, 2015

Sibling Unity

Last night my dear brother, sister and I met at the apartment in the dark of the evening..
Her suite is decorated so beautifully and it just felt cozy to sit there in the lamplight on this cold winters night.
Tucked in, away from the blanket of snow that still covers the city.

We just decided it's important to pray together.
Reclaiming our inheritance, so to speak.
A "different" sort of spirit seems to have taken over that building while we have abdicated many of the day to day responsibilities  of running the place to someone else.
Now that someone else is gone and we are back.
In full force.
With God.
Because He is GREAT and greatly to be praised!

So we lifted up the building and the renters before our Lord.
Each of them is so very precious to Him and we must not lose sight of that in the midst of the kaffufles we are being forced to deal with.
Renters bringing noisy, unsavoury characters into the building at all hours, causing anxiety and distress to those in the nearby units.
Apparent drug deals going down right outside the building with possible dealers in the building.

We're asking God to do what we cannot do.
To remove wickedness from our midst and to establish the building on righteousness, justice and goodness.

We are asking for His Spirit to move in.
To bring His sweet Shalom to those who are needing it.
To re-align the building for His Kingdom purposes.
To surround and protect.

It was so precious to pray in agreement with my siblings.
To hear their humble prayers mingled with mine.

We boldly proclaimed God's word out of Psalm 91, 71, 27 and Zepheniah.

We prayed for our family and our family line.
Repenting for sins and calling forth salvations and alignment in the lives of those we love.

What a sweet sister,  What a precious brother.
These ones who have journeyed with me and have gravitated in and out of my life since I was born.  They have always been there for me.
They have ALWAYS loved me.

We share a powerful legacy of those who have loved God and suffered for Him.
Those who have prayed us into the Kingdom and who have lived beautiful lives of humility and righteousness.

They've given us the legacy of laughter and love.

And tonight we were all invited over to Daniel and Nicole's for a wonderful dinner and a fun little visit in their cozy home.  
What a great family I have!

Leo and Pupcake weren't quite sure if they should be friendly or not.
So they weren't. 

But Elsie and Daniel got along just fine!

Oh, and just for the record, we've already had TWO WONDERFUL answers to prayers prayed last night!  

And I know there are lots more coming. 

He is great and greatly to be praised!! 

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