Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Finish Line

Happy New Year!  
Crappy picture, but lots of fun was had by all.
Except Ladybug.  

I feel celebratory and oh so grateful as I near the finish line for 2014.
It's been SUCH an amazing year in so many ways.  Somehow I grabbed onto the "carpe diem" mindset and God made a way for me to experience Him and His goodness in such powerful and tangible ways in the last twelve months.  And I didn't have to be super spiritual or extra "good" to be able to experience His goodness.  His grace just flowed into my life because HE IS GOOD.  And I am GRATEFUL!

Even though my body has declined significantly over this past year, it has not held me back from doing the Word By Heart School in Hawaii or from making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem to take part in the Zechariah 8:22 Gathering and to experience the Holy Land.  Nothing stops us from moving ahead in God if we have willing hearts, because He is the one who fulfills His purposes for us!

Kind of like living a dream come true, but I didn't even have time to dream the dream.  There is something significant about that - like the "suddenlies" that we will have as the "plowman overtakes the reaper".

And even though I am heading into the cold winter months here in Kelowna, and my body doesn't respond very well to cold, I sense that I am to be here for this season.  He will provide grace for and possibly some reprieve from the cold.

I feel anticipation and expectation and I am pondering the words that are going to carry me into this New Year.

So far it has felt like  "SURRENDERED & EXPECTANT" are two of the banners over my life for 2015, but I feel like being aligned is somehow part of it as well.  And I am excited about the prophetic words that I have been reading about the coming season.  A season of light and miracles.  A season where we will run unencumbered and shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters with God at the forefront.

One of Patrice's friends was just here telling me about a Bible plan he's on where you read through the Bible in 90 days and I just felt like that would be an awesome way to begin this Season.  So that's one part of this new beginning to broaden that place of truth beneath me.

I will not move forward in fear about my hands or my body, as this is simply God's little temporary vessel for my life on earth and He will look after what concerns me.  I will keep believing for miracles, even though I have seen so little actual evidence of the answers to those prayers.  We will do "the greater things" and it's simply up to us to pray and act in faith and believe.  Suddenly there will be miracles literally dropping out of heaven.

Because the years of prayers faithfully prayed and the generations of faith that have gone before have paved the way "for such a time as this".  All those times we just kept calling forth "that which is not yet as if it already were" will come into a season of fruition.

And this picture here below just kind of encapsulates the whole year.  These incredibly beautiful handmade mittens were sent to me by a very dear friend in Germany. So even though I am sitting out in the cold, my hands are sore and I am in a wheelchair, the truth of the matter is that I am surrounded by beauty, my sore hands are wrapped in love and warmth, I have a Moose that brings me so much joy, I"m in a wheelchair that has taken me to Hawaii and the Holy Land AND there is light on the horizon.

I am my Beloved's and He is Mine.
He takes very good care of me.  

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