Monday, May 5, 2014

Birthdays & Spring

There's been so much good.
So much of God swirls around me and too often I am unaware.
His great loveliness touches me in thousands of ways,
All the time.


I fight off the lies, the fear, the stuff that robs.
I worship, I pray.
I see the plaque in my washroom.
The one that reminds me to:

Wait patiently for the Lord
Be brave and courageous,
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
Psalm 27

And I am comforted.
As I wait for the resolving of issues,
for prayers to be answered,
for His Kingdom to come…

Meanwhile I am surrounded by life and am privileged to be able to enter in.
Even being able to pull weeds the other day was a gift and I was so conscious of it and so grateful.
I am able, all by myself, to go outside and perform this task.
My hands touching the earth, my body basked in sunlight and around me the world is bursting into glorious life.
I am able to do so much and I must guard against the lies that would tell me this is not enough.
It is so much.
It is temporary and it is my school.

I put on a most wonderful birthday party BBQ for my dear mama.
The day was absolutely perfect and we had such a lovely time.
The food was scrumptious - dear Daniel did the bbq'ing and Patrice had made a lovely three layer hummingbird cake with cream cheese frosting.

So we sat and gloried in the green of Spring and in the warmth of this new season.
We gloried in our togetherness.
We are alive now and we have each other and best of all we have God.
For such a time as this - to love, and to call forth His purposes, again and again and again until they come to pass.
Whether or not we are here on earth to appreciate their coming!

Saturday night gatherings enjoyed by "the clan",
revelling in the gift of friends gathered around a long table.
Laughter and sharing…community.

My birthday blessings included the joy of awakening to a kitchen decked out in balloons and streamers, a delicious waffle breakfast served by Patrice and a day with family.  Lunch at Mom's with the family and supper at Cactus Club with the kids followed by a movie about bears complete with popcorn.
I spoke that morning at church and felt a little confused by the difficulty I had in focusing but thankfully the Luke portion went well and I must, as usual, leave the results with God.

How can I be so blessed?
How can I return thanks to God by blessing others?

Fixing my eyes on Him.

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