Saturday, May 24, 2014

Beautiful Life

Oh it's just been the loveliest month.
So much life, fragrance and colour.

A hike with Patrice and the puppies in the fresh Spring air up at the trestles nearby was just amazing.
I'm so grateful I have so much mobility.
I just have to keep focusing on what I can do, which is really so very much.
Especially here at home where I have my vehicle to get around.

And this yard is a gift that just keeps giving.
The peace out here (when the sprayers aren't roving through the orchards or vineyards noisily spewing noxious chemicals in every direction) is so incredibly lovely.

And I'm just learning to live in peace, enjoying each day and trying not to look too far ahead.
Each day truly has enough trouble of it's own and I'm all for trying to obey Jesus' command to not worry about tomorrow.

This week was full of so much.

Ingrid's funeral was a beautiful, brutal thing.
So much loss for the family and for us.
That woman's life touched so very many people, mostly because she loved really, really well.
I wish I had taken better advantage of spending time with her during her journey here, but I don't always know how to do that, so anyways.  What I did learn from her was powerful and she was a gift to all.

I had the opportunity to share some 'Luke' in Anne Dyck's backyard to a lovely group of women.  It's getting easier in some ways and more fun.  I screw up some portions, but I just keep going once I regain my footing.

And I shared a section for Linda, John and Alia Munro last weekend.  I was on my way to a wedding and I got lost due to a detour so I just ended up at their home instead!  It was so fun to catch up with them and it was very gratifying to see how well Alia responded to the Word.  She sat so quietly (not always the case for her) intently staring at me and drinking it in.  She just interrupted once and that was because she wanted to know what a 'widow" was.  (story of the widow's son being raised from the dead).

I also shared some Luke at Book Club this week which was very well received.  We figure that we can be a more 'liberal' kind of book club by reciting portions out of books even if we haven't all read a book in the past month.  I just love those ladies and the time together was so sweet.  Sue McGl. brought up the point that she was reminded recently when reading the Word that we are ALL living epistles so that gives us more opportunities to meet even if we haven't read a "book-book"!

Anyways, life is full and beautiful.

I'm going to Patrice's dance recital today and that will be marvellous I'm sure.

May Jesus continue to guide me through my moments and days so that I can bring Him joy and glory.

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