Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Artistry

It's got to be one of the prettiest months of the year.


The colors are a seriously amazing kaleidoscope of gold, red, yellow, orange that change day by day and when the sun shines on it all it's pretty close to paradise.  The picture above was taken late this afternoon just before the sun set.  October 31st and the roses are blooming!

The drive to and from school is totally a gift and I want to stop so often to take pictures of the orchards that have turned a glorious orange or yellow, or to capture the low lying clouds over the mountains.

The apples are thick on the trees and soon the pickers are busy, stripping the branches clean,
filling the giant bins that stand at the end of the rows.

So much beauty.

AND this month holds the date of my precious son's birth.

Along with Thanksgiving...

So very much to celebrate.  I peek out the front door and am blown away by the early morning light filtering through the bronze oak leaves...

Harvest, Life, Seasons,
Drives through the countryside just to feast our eyes on God's unbelievable goodness.
Divine Artist displaying His graces for our pure joy.

Mom and Elsie and I took a drive to Oyama and had so much fun with little Pupcake as we enjoyed a snack by the lake while we watched these men fishing in their little boat. 

And then on Thanksgiving Weekend our little household of girls went on a hike up to the trestles with the Gagnon's and our herd of dogs.  It was absolutely WONDERFUL to be out in the fresh air enjoying the outrageously beautiful outdoors!

A delightful evening to benefit a homeless shelter was enjoyed by Daniel and Patrice and I at the little stone church downtown.  Good music for a really good cause.  

What's not to love about October??!!  Even if I got one of the hardest letters I've received in a very, very long time and am feeling a mixture of fear and faith and anger and am wrestling to forgive.  And to forgive again.  And again...  I can rest in His GREAT LOVE and care for me. 
I can enjoy the beauty, I can swing my thoughts back to the King and His plans for me.  Which are goodness and mercy and righteousness.  
So glad I am able to pray.  Commanded to pray. Trust.  Worship.  


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