Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The season of Apples is upon us.

APPLES!! Big, beautiful, colorful...
Decorative and plentiful.
Red, pink, striped, yellow, green, round, magnificent orbs of health!
So sweet and crunchy.
It's almost unbelievable how many there are...
And how pretty they make the trees look.

Big blue sky, green green trees and grass.

Glorious! Lifegiving warmth stretching into these lovely fall days.
I've just felt like celebrating every day when I leave school.
(which sometimes means an icecap or some other yummy treat
that makes its way into my car from a drivethrough)
It's got to be one of the loveliest seasons.

And yes, I'm back at school.
I just made a phone call and there it was.
A place ready and waiting for me.
Sweet children needing to be assessed
Tests to be marked and children waiting to learn.

I feel so much happier having a place to go
Where there are important things to do.

I'll just turn my back on all my insecurities
And head into the year trusting that all will be well.
I'll figure out what to do with all those certificates I'm accumulating
And with the weight that comes with knowledge and training.
As I do, I will learn.

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