Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello September!

So glad the sun and warmth showed up for August and it really felt like summer.
I'm hoping the sunny warm days will continue for many weeks.

The bean and I took another trip to Vancouver last week which was supposed to turn into a longer holiday down the coast.

But it didn't.
Other things had to be dealt with and what felt impossible and dark and sad is working it's way into light and possibility.
God is so amazing.
True to His Word.

I just came home from a sweet evening with my Butterfly friends.
Good food and exceptional fellowship.
An epic saga was shared and other stories were caught up.
Prayer and laughter and tears.
I love my Butterflies.
The history we share is very precious.

My dear girl and our housemate are up on the mountain having a holiday and hearing from God. May they come down with their faces shining.

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