Tuesday, February 1, 2011

mirgrations and emotions

It's the first of February!
Absolutely delightful to be out of January for some reason.
Even though it was a good month in so many ways.
It was cold of course.
But my dear daughter was still home, warming the days with her sweet presence.
There was work to be done for all - routines were recommenced and there is comfort in that.
There were emotional upheavals galore.
And there continue to be.
Each day brings something new and there are fresh feelings to be explored and discussed and worked through.

Just imagine.
Three beautiful young women all in the midst of some sort of relationship transition.
One entering in with uncertainty and excitement mingled with disappointment.
Another in the throes of a sudden harsh conclusion to a long friendship causing one very broken heart.
And a disappointing attachment that came after the fact, resulting in so much sadness.
So there were many discussions, tears and prayers.
And there continue to be.
We are all delighted with the presence of the doggies to lighten the mood with their wild shenanigans and chicken chases.
They migrate around the house after me.
Ladybug at attention, behind or before me, following closely and staring, waiting for my next move. Those beady brown eyes gazing at me with intense attention. Oh that I would be so faithfully watching my Master and moving where He moves and stopping where He stops...

She leaps happily on the bed when I finally settle in and finds a comfy spot to continue her watch.
Moose migrates more slowly.
After we settle in I will hear the steady clipping of his toenails on the hardwood as he joins us. His heavy breathing commencing as sleep overtakes him again.
Steady Eddy. He is so beautiful.

And there was the "snowbird migration" with my dear daughter heading south to California to continue her Bible studies.
I am content with this even though tears filled my eyes as I drove away after dropping her off on that incredibly snowy day at the end of January.
It's the best place for her right now and I am trusting God with her beautiful heart that is growing more like His as she choses Him again and again.
I'm incredibly blessed.

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