Monday, February 28, 2011

February Favorites

Woke up to a fresh snowfall.
And dangerously icy roads on the way to school.
But Spring is COMING!!!
It has to be. Winter is getting so old.

The days are getting longer which is just incredibly wonderful
I loved the light and blue sky outside my bedroom window today.
And it is staying light till 6:00 pm at least!!
There are many lovely things I've been enjoying, even in the midst of the ridiculously cold long winter. Here are my February Favorites:

A big mug full of Chai, almost every day, to warm and cheer me.
My puppies are endlessly cute and entertaining even though they've been obsessive about the chickens and gumby.

Ladybug survived an alleged coyote attack and I am now being much more vigilant.
My sweet housemates and our dinner cooking schedule is so much fun.
Teaching such precious kids and seeing progress, slow and steady.

A free car wash after getting my car fixed today and a visit with a dear friend while waiting.
Quilting!! Under the most excellent tutelage of my gifted friend.
Sewing those lovely pieces of fabric together is a most soothing activity.
E-mails and skyping with my beautiful daughter whom I have been missing.
Meeting my sister at Bible Study every Monday night and seeing her walk in increasing wholeness and joy.
She brings me drinks and snacks and is very happy to see me every time.
That is truly a beautiful gift.
Our regular Saturday night gatherings. Cozy and comfortable.
Watching "The King's Speech" at a downtown theatre with my housemate on a cold night. I clapped when it was over. A grand movie indeed.
A sleepover with my niece's daughter. Making pancakes, doing a craft and watching Oklahoma in bed together.

Visits with Mom and Dad. Bringing popcorn for tv nights, books on CD to keep mom company and muffins or cookies since mom can't bake right now.
Fasting on Mondays for salvations. God is giving grace.
Listening to CS Lewis' book Mere Christianity while I drive around the city.
The thoughts and words are just delicious and inspiring.
Truth is that way.
Tante Hilda's 80th Birthday Celebration was a huge success with a hymn sing, hugs and gifts from the little ones and so much laughter. She was absolutely overjoyed!

The blessings are innumerable. It's important to take the time to put them down here for my eyes to see and to remember that I am seeing the goodness of God in the land of the living.
Thanks be to God.
He is quite marvelous.

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