Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sandals in November

I noticed today that I'm still wearing my sandals.
This is unusual for November, unusual and most delightful!
I have: Brown leather sandals for April to October and
black suede boots for November to March.
Keepin' it simple, just the way I like it.
But to be wearing sandals, and enjoying sunshine
in NOVEMBER - makes me happy!

The days have been remarkably lovely for the most part.
Once again I went out driving today, taking my new housemate down a different direction of the lake. Admiring vineyards and then the stark strange landscape that the fire devoured 7 years ago, enjoying the colorful leaves that still cling tenaciously to the trees and taking pictures of sun drenched Kelowna off in the distance.

Hard to believe it's November, but I'm drinking in the colors and the sunshine. Storing them up for the dark months that are lurking just around the corner.
Happy to still be in my sandals!

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