Thursday, November 25, 2010

And the Snow Came

Our amazing fall weather has abruptly changed gears and it is WINTER TIME!
Freezing temperatures - really and truly freezing, even for this area (down to -22) and snow snow SNOW!
The loveliness is mesmerizing and it's truly a beautiful thing to lay snuggled on my bed under my heat bags while watching lazy flakes make their way to the ground and cover the trees outside my window.
We've been enjoying movie nights that start ridiculously early due to the darkness that descends by 4:30. The evenings seem endless but I'm happier than can be with my new friend who loves to settle in for prayer times, listening to messages on the computer or an evening or two of Anne of Green Gables. She is a new convert to our homespun Canadian entertainment.

Winter pleasures abound...
Hot chocolate with whipping cream.

Happy dogs dipping their faces into the snow and exploring the new white world.

The fireplace warming the room and our hearts.
The crunch of snow under the tires
A fairy tale landscape
Watching the neighbors harvest their grapes for iced wine in the night.
Christmas carols playing as the snow falls steadily preparing our hearts for the Advent Season.
A snowy dark drive to a banquet and auction complete with turkey and all the trimmings!
And it's not even December yet!!
The best is yet to come... but I'm surely enjoying the delights of these wintery days.

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