Friday, November 12, 2010

Pathways of Gold

Another glorious day.
Seriously - this fall has been OUTSTANDINGLY BEAUTIFUL!
So, after teaching 3 sweet kids
Meeting 2 great friends at Starbucks
(Teaching one of them how to text her sons and watching her laugh as they texted back was over the top fun)
I went to the creek with the pups and my girls.

Oh the joy of breathing in that rich scent of fall,
The leaves and smoke and sounds of the creek rushing by.

Happy DOGS! Chasing sticks, moving endlessly
Ladybug leaping with joy.
The girls leaping too.

It was a grand way to spend a Friday afternoon.
And now I'm spending the evening warming up under my heat bags
Skyping with my favorite daughter while my son and the gals are laughing and playing Dutch Blitz in the kitchen.
My cup is so full.
Content I am.

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