Friday, September 10, 2010

The Garbage and I

Funny thing.

My friend and I had an amazing prayer time and visit on the back patio yesterday. We just shouted our praises to God and covered our loved ones with all sorts of faith filled declarations and prayers. It was heavenly! The sun was shining, the apples hanging thickly on the trees and the flowers and leaves waving around us in their lush fall fullness.

We told God that the last 10 years or so have been "seriously" hard, but we know that He is growing our character and He causes ALL THINGS to work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. So we rejoiced in our sufferings and dared to ask for His Kingdom to come in some amazing ways in the lives of our loved ones.

I specifically prayed that God would continue to keep my mom and auntie upright - to keep them from falling. And then I quickly asked that He would also keep my friend and I from falling. I am aware that a fall from my chair is a dangerous thing.

Well, my friend went on to have a very rough day. No surprises there. And I went to bed feeling bloated and sick. (We had a little feast as we visited and I think I overdid the chips and some dated 7 layer dip...ugh)

At night I decided to put a last bag of trash outside as I am always excited about garbage day. Just love that feeling of freedom! For some reason I was on the angled part of the driveway and I manged to tip not only the garbage can over but I went flying backwards as well with a bag of garbage on my chest. I fought hard to get those wheels moving the other direction but gravity had taken over and my heavy backpack helped me to flip directly backwards and my head hit the pavement with a thunk. OUCH!!

I lay looking up at the cloudy dark sky. I took note of those gorgeous huge trees waving their leaves way above me. The dogs were a little useless at this point, but they did rally around me. I believe Moose brought me his ball and nudge me on my bottom to encourage some play time. It didn't happen.

I used my handed dandy cellphone to call my new housemate who came out with great haste to rescue me. Now she is quite short and I am quite tall. My legs were sprawled out crazily and I was finding it hard to get to a sitting position on that sloped portion of the driveway. Let me just say here that God really knew who to send here to live with me, because she somehow managed to lift my entire long, gangly body, very close to hers, and to place me back into the wheelchair.

I was amazed and very, very grateful.

Today I awoke with a sore neck and my head has felt rather awful all day. I do believe I suffered a concussion and I went to the chiropractor to get some help with alignment.
I think I will do some research to make sure that I am not missing something here. The last thing I need is a head injury when I'm having a heck of a time with my memory at the best of times!!

I've gotta wonder about my prayer though - specifically asking for protection from falling and then doing such an extravagant flip right onto my head. I was tempted to think that maybe I ought to curb my exuberant prayers. But I don't think that is the answer. Probably the enemy would want me to stop praying and I don't think I will. So I will now be praying for healing of my aching head...


Unknown said...

Oh, you poor thing. I hope you didn't heart yourself too badly. Thank goodness for cell phones...and the stars and the beautiful trees. I did that once on the ski hill wearing my ski boots on an icy trail outside of our condo and I landed straight on my back and couldn't move so I took the opportunity to listen to the falling snow in the trees. It was beautiful! You are such a survivor. I think of you in all of my classes. UBC is way too serious to have munchies on the desk:( I miss OC and all my TESL buddies. Wonder what everyone is doing? Talk soon my friend. Love Joanne

Battle Maiden said...

Hi Joanne,
My head is better and I'm moving a little more carefully! Sorry to hear you don't have so much fun at university, probably a good thing I didn't end up this year then!
When are you starting your blog? With pictures of muffins with sprouties in them =)

Unknown said...

Hahaha, the muffins turned out to be super duper healthy! I don't have time for a blog. I have two projects in my anthropology classes and I have to drop my is way too much for me. Guess what, we can bring munchies to class, but I don't. It just wouldn't be same without you. Love reading about your journies. Talk soon, Joanne