Monday, September 27, 2010


I've been embarrassed at times over my lack of "a life" these past few years.
Seriously, I haven't even had the energy to put "a life" together and mostly end up resting on my bed or hanging around my house with my dogs.
And I do get bored, but not bored enough to pursue new interests and outings.
I have my Saturday night gang, church, and visits or outings with Mom during the week.

So, when my new housemate told me that she has loved how "available" I have been over these past years it made me happy. She reminded me how I once told her that I have prayed that this next generation could "stand on my shoulders" and it seems that sometimes this is what it looks like. Not very romantic or spectacular, but important.

Being available. Having a listening ear. Sharing my home and my space. Praying. Loving. Encouraging.

And now the fun of having a new housemate who likes to run errands with me occasionally, someone to go to church with, a Friday night movie partner to watch "UP" with... It's been so much fun. Almost unexpected. I know she is a busy student so there are times where she disappears for extended hours to study. She is young and hangs out with friends in town which is great. I don't have expectations so every time we hang out is a bonus. The visits from the son and his lovely girl are also a bonus. So I am grateful and content.

Oh, and about my housemate? Something truly amazing. We both share an occasional craving for McDonald's food. I like my sponge burger and she loves her big Mac. For real.

And I do believe that this fall will be busier. It just hasn't taken off yet which has been fine with me up until this point. I've had time to work on my online Dyslexia course and settle into life after a busy summer. Getting my "to do" lists checked off. Enjoy my puppies and the great outdoors. Being proactive in pursuing God through 40 days of Listening and being accountable to my housemate about my quiet time.

God has shown up again with skin on. Isn't He just so marvelous and creative?!
I really love Him and He really loves me.
He is my Companion. And He has provided companions with skin or fur to keep me company when I need someone tangible!

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