Monday, February 15, 2010

Keeping On

Opened the Bible again to a wonderful scripture.
(There's lots of them in there actually!)
I particularly like it in this version:

He Himself took our iniquities
and carried away our diseases.
Matthew 8:17b

I'll be taking that one for myself.
I like that picture of Him carrying "away" our diseases.
As much as my faith has taken a beating in praying for healing,
I still believe. I have to, actually.
I know He allows hardships and I know He heals.
So, I will ask for protection and healing.
And be thankful for another day.

Observing English classes with immigrants.
Enjoying their sweet interaction with each other,
sharing their lives and stories.

And off to a Doctor's appointment.
To make sure I will live. And move. On both sides of my body, all together now.
He is setting things up for me to see a neurologist.
And I'm getting bloodwork done.
But apparently my symptoms put me low on the list of urgency.
I am happy happy happy for that!

That is a huge relief. I've been struggling with one since yesterday so I just happily popped one of my miracle "go away" migraine pills in my mouth. Now the Son and I can enjoy the butter chicken I made (my own version that contains broccoli and peppers and of course chicken).

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