Saturday, June 26, 2021

Venue with a View

Our bookish club managed to finally meet!!

Things were definitely disrupted throughout the restrictive winter season, but having an outdoor space with a breathtaking view is conducive to many gatherings for those who are so inclined. 

So we were inclined and the joy was palpable.

What a fun bunch of wild and wonderful women! 

I was treated to an incredibly beautiful bouquet simply for hosting - something I LOVE to do.
So that's a win-win. 

And God treated us to a spectacular heavenly display...

The ladies got up from their seats and stood to watch the show. 

He does deserve a standing ovation and so much more!
I'm waiting eagerly to be able to do that but until them I can praise Him from down here! 


One of our Saturday night dinners was spent watching Henry & Sue's grand-daughter performing ballet and tap dancing at her year end production on-line. 

Dinner and entertainment all at once. 

When you can't gather at the actual venue we can still manage to party it up in smaller groups.

I can't remember who won, but I have a feeling it wasn't me haha!! 

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