Friday, June 4, 2021

Shingles, Slips & Shitzaritz

Daniel drove up for a weekend, ostensibly to help me figure out a demo wheelchair that was here for me to try out, but just the sight of his dear face made my heart sing.  
Interprovincial travel is still restricted but this gave him a valid reason to come. 
We had a BBQ on the back patio and Hannah was home to enjoy it with us.

We dropped in to see Grandma and to bring her some flowers for her 90th birthday which was just a few days away.  
She was delighted and had lots of stories to share and it was nice to see her doing so well.
It's just amazing how much she still does while living on her on and dealing with the after-effects of polio. 
I think she was pretty thrilled to see Daniel too.
He headed back to Vancouver early Sunday afternoon so he could play softball with a new league he has joined. 

Our regular Sunday evening happened on the back patio thanks to the continuing beautiful weather and we had Anita join us before she heads up to Iqaluit for another doctoring stint.  
Sad that Ollie is locked into his nursing home due to the restrictions, again.  
We've pretty much had enough of all of that already... Ollie even more so. 

On Monday morning I was feeling extra tired so I stayed in bed a little longer than usual.  I was in the bathroom when I heard a rather loud crash just after 8:00 AM.
I found mom dressed (partially) and laying on the floor.  She said she had leaned against what she thought was the wall and it crashed down with her on top.
I sprang into action, calling my neighbours who came to help me get mom upright again.
Nothing broken, thankfully, but her shoulder was very sore.

Dear little mommy, soldiering on and being so brave through all the trials that come with aging, blindness and weakness. 
She is one resilient woman!

Somehow I got her onto the back patio after her long nap to enjoy the balmy evening, leaning her against a nice soft sheepskin, but I was feeling unusually frazzled and exhausted. 
I even texted Patrice wondering if she could drive up to help me, because I was hurting myself by trying to help mom more due to her other arm being out of commission.  

The temporary solution was to take Mom to back to Elsie's earlier in the week so I could protect my arm and have more energy to host our  prayer night on my patio. 
I had made a Chiro appointment for the following day to see if I could get some relief for my neck and back which I later canceled after discovering some bumps on my back.
It turned out that  I was suffering from shingles so I canceled my Chiro appointment and made a doctors appointment instead. 
This peaceful photo below is not indicative of how my week was progressing, but it was a mid-week gift, nonetheless! 

Once I had the doctor's appointment behind me, and I had the house to myself,  I was looking forward to being able to rest as I wasn't feeling stellar.

Cue the dogs coming down with diarrhea.

Yes, indeed.
All in the same week.

I was up four times one night with dear old Ladybug.
And two of those times I was shampooing the carpets to prevent staining because I hadn't been able to get the doors open fast enough for her to get outside.

It was not restful.

But the roses continued blooming profusely as they do in the month of June...

And my beautiful Patrice showed up on Friday evening to rescue me, taking Ladybug into her care so I could sleep.

That's when Winnie-pig got the runs. 

In spite of all this, the roses continued to bloom in this unusual first week of June. 

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