Saturday, June 5, 2021

Brand New & A Hullabaloo!

I was sitting at the stove cooking something when this most delightful picture and message came through on our Whats App family line.

"Fast and furious home birth!!!
At 5:58 PM 

I was crying tears of joy at this wonderful news.
It's been so long since we've had some fresh life in our family and with Elsie and I being immersed in 'elder care' over here it was particularly heart warming! 

Plus Amy & Russell have been wanting for some time to have a baby, so it was over the top wonderful for them.

Apparently Daddy had tears in his eyes as well...

"It's a girl!!!
6 lb 3oz
(and the name I will keep to myself since this isn't really my story haha)

The beautiful thing about this surprising home birth was that the family could come the very next day, even all the cousins, to admire and cuddle the new arrival. 

So much joy! 

Even Daniel and Christine got together in Vancouver and had a beer to celebrate the occasion. 

This happy little princess has stolen all of our hearts, even those of us who haven't met her yet in real life.

There is something so perfect, so miraculous and awe-inspiring about God allowing us to participate with Him in the act of creation.

It speaks hope in what has been a somewhat bleak season for many.

Born on the 5th at 5:58 and the number five speaks of grace.
So be it - God's gift of grace. 

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