Monday, June 28, 2021

Elsie's Delightful Domestic Domain


Elsie had a birthday!

We celebrated a day early since we usually gather on Sunday evening with Tante Hilda and mom for a meal.

We were all going to go to Spaghetti Factory so there would be as little fuss and bother as possible, but Mom was refusing to get out of bed  (she is getting weaker, therefore it's tricker to get her down Elsie's stairs) so we picked up the meals and had dinner in the beautiful atmosphere of Elsie's cozy kitchen.

Much more peaceful and enjoyable in the end. 

The food was fabulous and everyone enjoyed the feast.
Even Mom was finally convinced to get up and join in the festivities.

What a little cutie she is.
We are so blessed to still have her smiling face in our midst.

Elsie is also exceedingly cute.
Here she is posing with her delightful assortment of birthday gifts and cards. 
She is a gift beyond words and the older we get the more I love and appreciate her unique, amazing spirit and personality. 
She is true and noble, zealous and devoted to what is right and good... and to family!
She is one of my biggest life-long cheerleaders and friends.
We couldn't be more different, but we have a strong bond and see many things through the same lens.
We are also both dedicated to looking after mom so there is a lot holding us together right now.

With Patrice here to look after Mom, I am able to sneak out more often on my own, so
on Elsie's actual birthday (the next day)  I picked her up on my way over to Grace's house.

I had groceries to drop off and Elsie was so excited to be able to visit her friend on her special day.
Grace broke BOTH OF HER WRISTS about two months ago and her recovery has been very slow, very painful and exceedingly restrictive.
Originally she was in a care-home for about 6 weeks because she couldn't do anything for herself with both of her arms in casts, but finally she was able to move home and have support workers come in and help her once or twice a day.

She was overjoyed to have us come over and her biggest request was that someone would cut her hair.  Her apartment air conditioner barely works and with the heat gong up to 37 degrees and more she was desperate to get rid of some of her heavy mane.

Elsie did a great job and we had a wonderful time of fellowship together.


Here are a few other little peeks into Elsie's domestic domain.

Mom gets a very different experience in both of our homes which is probably very nice for variety.
Sometimes we send pictures back and forth to each other of her.

I think Elsie also sent me this picture of some of her many journals.
We both have a need to write things down, but hers is a little more intense than mine! 

And here is a picture she sent me of Esther's spontaneous birthday party on Elsie's patio! 
So much to celebrate in the marvellous month of June! 

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