Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Rescue & Revelries

Since Patrice was here anyways,  once I was feeling better we decided to have some fun.
The Smith's kindly invited us over for a lovely visit over a rather decadent breakfast on their back patio.

Our two daughters are the reason we are all friends as they met at Heritage back in 2007 when Steve was the principle there.
Such precious people with amazing servant's hearts - all of them! 

We brought brought the dogs, because we're all a little over the top that way... and Bernie and Winnie were reacquainted!  
There is always the possibility of puppies in the future so we want to keep the relationship ignited, so to speak. 

The possibility of what might transpire wore Winnie right out so she lept up to safety and had a little nap.

Warm June evenings lead to more patio time with beautiful people.  
This time two of the Gagnon grandkids came along.  One of them fell in love with Willow and the other one was freaked out by her.

Willow doesn't quite know yet how to handle little people so she is on a learning curve. 

But she seemed to be able to handle the loving quite well! 

Patrice and I used some of our patio time to hone our quirkle skills - I'm so excited to finally have someone around who likes to play games! 
Unfortunately as time goes on the scoliosis in my spine has increased limiting my sitting time, but an evening of games on the patio is definitely worth it! 

And since Patrice was here we decided to have Grandma up for a belated 90th birthday meal!

She's in great shape and is still keeping busy with quilting and other crafts in her basement.
She came with her bag of home-sewn goodies and we were all given a set of beautiful quilted hot pads on Martha's birthday.
What a remarkable woman.

This birthday definitely called for a sparkler and some lemon blueberry cake! 

Again, the month of June went all out in treating us to some lovely weather and the flowers sparkle with colour and joy... doing exactly what they were created to do.
Sadly, mom is not able to see them this year - somehow her vision has decreased again. She is sometimes able to see a bit of the colour.

But she loves the warm fresh air and being with us outside.

The pups are pretty spoiled around here, especially when Patrice is around. She is definitely a dog whisperer and all the dogs are happier when she shows up with Willow.

And the June flowers in my yard are exquisite...

God's creativity is boundless

We just give them water and they respond with smiles of beauty.

So I drink it all in with gratitude.

Oh the many, many joys of June!


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